Analysing video clips of colliding pucks using Tracker

21. For eXtrema, export three-column (t,vx,vy) files for 'cm A' and 'cm B'
Export the data file
[Select 'cm A' and 'cm B' separately]

You may contnue to analyse your data in Tracker, but if you want to perform your data analysis using some other software, make sure you export the data in text format: FileExportData File then Save As...

The first three lines of the file (the header) should look like this:

  t                x               y
  0.000000000E0    1.245986911E1   -1.328191643E1
  3.200000000E-2   1.164289057E1   -1.262051106E1
Repeat for cm B. When reading these files into eXtrema, start on the third line: read cmA.dat\3 t,x,y

You can also select t,vx,vy if you prefer to let Tracker calculate the velocities for you, in which case the file will look like this:

  t                v_{x}           v_{y}
  3.200000000E-2   3.047083907E1   2.379658751E1
There will be two fewer points for velocities, as they are calculated as differences between two xy-positions, so the end points will be missing. Start reading data on the fourth line: read cmA.dat\4 t,vx,vy, and afterwards trim the last point from the t vector, for which vx,vy values are missing: vector t len(t)-1

In Tracker v.6.x one can save data for multiple objects in a single data file by selecting them in the Columns menu. The file may look like this:

  	cm A		cm B				
  t	vx	vy	vx	vy	
  0.032	30.47	23.79	-26.66	22.55
and a single command will suffice: read cmAB.dat\4 t,vxA,vyA,vxB,vyB