Course Outline
What this course is about:
Concepts and ideas of Quantum Mechanics, first introduced in Y1 general physics courses, and elaborated upon in the Y2 Modern Physics course (PHYS 2P50), are put onto a firm mathematical footing. This is an essential course for Physics and combined majors.
Brock calendar entry:
Wave particle dualism, Schrodinger equation, solution of simple one-dimensional barrier problems and the harmonic oscillator, hydrogen atom, angular momentum theory, introduction to perturbation theory and variational methods.
Prerequisites: PHYS 2P50, MATH 2P03, 2P08 and 3P06.
It is important that the students feel comfortable with linear algebra, complex numbers, calculus, and differential equations. Elementary classical mechanics is essential.
There is no required textbook for the course. Some suggested reading:
R. L. Liboff, Introductory Quantum Mechanics, 4th edition (Pearson)
D. J. Griffiths, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, 2nd edition (Pearson)
R. Scherrer, Quantum Mechanics: An Accessible Introduction (Pearson)
A. Goswami, Quantum Mechanics, 2nd edition (WCB)
Topics covered in the course:
  • basic principles of quantum mechanics
  • quantum mechanics in one dimension
  • formalism of quantum mechanics
  • quantum mechanics in two and three dimensions
  • spin
Tutorial time slots will be used as problem sessions, as needed.
Marking scheme:
  • 4 assignments: 40% (10% each); assignments must be uploaded by 5pm (EST) on the due date to the course Brightspace page (submission instructions can be found here); late assignments will not be accepted
  • midterm test: 20% (mode of delivery TBA)
  • final exam: 40%; a student must achieve 50% on the final exam to pass the course; the final exam will be a closed book exam, with only a calculator and one self-prepared formula sheet (letter size, two-sided) allowed.