% ================================================================ % THESIS.BIB -- E.Sternin's personal list of references. % Use BiBTeX to extract the .bbl file of only those % references which are needed for a particular paper. % ================================================================ % @book{AG:82, title="Nuclear Magnetism: Order and Disorder", author="A.~ Abragam and M.~ Goldman", publisher="Clarendon Press", address="Oxford", year=1982} @inproceedings{bl:86, booktitle="Enrico Fermi International School on the Physics of Magnetic Resonance in Biology and Medicine", title="{NMR} Studies of Membranes and Whole Cells", author="M.~ Bloom", publisher="Elsevier Science Publishers", address="The Netherlands\footnote[1]{Took place at Villa Monastero, in Varenna sul Lago di Como, Italy, in July, 1986}", organization="Societ\`a Italiana di Fisica", year=1987} @inproceedings{go:86, booktitle="Enrico Fermi International School on the Physics of Magnetic Resonance in Biology and Medicine", title="The Physics of {NMR} Spectroscopy in Biology and Medicine", author="M.~ Goldman", publisher="Elsevier Science Publishers", address="The Netherlands{$^1$}", organization="Societ\`a Italiana di Fisica", year=1987} @article{BWP:46, author="F.~ Bloch and W.~W.~ Hansen and M.~ Packard", title="The Nuclear Induction Experiment", journal="Phys. Rev.", volume="70", pages="474-485", year=1946} @article{blo:46, author="F.~ Bloch", title="Nuclear Induction", journal="Phys. Rev.", volume="70", pages="460-474", year=1946} @book{EBW:86, title="Principles of {NMR} in One and Two Dimensions", author="R.~ Ernst and G.~ Bodenhausen and A.~ Wokaun", publisher="Oxford University Press", address="London", year=1986} @article{da:83, author="J.~ H.~ Davis", title="{The Description of Lipid Membrane Conformation, Order, and Dynamics by $^2$H NMR}", journal="Biochim. Biophys. Acta.", volume="737", pages="117-171", year=1983} @article{je:81, author="K.~ R.~ Jeffrey", journal="Bull. Magn. Reson.", volume="3", pages="69-82", year=1981} @techreport{bl:87, author="M.~ Bloom", title="Nuclear Magnetic Resonance", institution="{Department of Physics, University of British Columbia}", type="lecture notes", year=1987}