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Movies illustrating motion in one dimension

Vertical motion near earth's surface
Position, velocity and acceleration

This movie shows graphs of position, velocity and acceleration versus time for a body dropped from rest near earth's surface. The body is shown as a red triangle on the vertical axis.

Vertical motion near earth's surface
Position, velocity and acceleration

This movie shows graphs of position, velocity and acceleration versus time for a body tossed straight up near earth's surface. The body is shown as a red triangle on the vertical axis.

The simple harmonic oscillator

This movie shows a body attached to a spring oscillating back and forth.

The simple harmonic oscillator
Position, velocity and acceleration

This movie shows graphs of position, velocity and acceleration versus time for a body oscillating back and forth. The body is shown as a red triangle on the vertical axis.

The simple harmonic oscillator
Independence of period on amplitude

This movie shows identical simple harmonic oscillators moving with different amplitudes. Their periods are the same.

The simple pendulum
Dependence of period on amplitude

This movie shows identical simple pendula moving with different amplitudes. Their periods are different.

Chaos in the driven pendulum
A more advanced topic

These movies compare two different kinds of motion of a simple pendulum whose point of attachment oscillates vertically:

The damped harmonic oscillator
Comparison of damping strengths

This movie compares underdamped, critically damped, and overdamped harmonic oscillators released from rest. The critically damped one approaches equilibrium fastest.

Coupled oscillations
Two coupled simple harmonic oscillators

These movies show

Coupled oscillations
Three coupled simple harmonic oscillators

These movies show the three normal modes:

Exchange of kinetic and potential energies

This movie plots the kinetic, potential, and total energies versus distance from equilibrium for a simple harmonic oscillator.

A body falling in earth's gravitational field
A more advanced topic

This movie plots the vertical coordinate versus time for a body dropped from rest in earth's gravitational field. The variation of gravity with height is accounted for. The path is the same as a point on the surface of the rolling circle (a cycloid).