Nonlinear least squares

Detailed Description

Non-linear least squares fitting is a mathematical optimization technique that attempts to find a "best fit" to a set of data by attempting to minimize the sum of the squares of the differences (called residuals) between the fitted function and the data. The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm is an iterative procedure that provides a numerical solution to non-linear least squares fitting. Please refer to the Wikipedia article on the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm for more information. (

These robust routines are implemented using the GNU Scientific Library. The user can choose which of the two Levenberg-Marquardt algorithms available in the GSL to use.


int lstsq_main (void *void_gsl_fit_struct)
 The main function for performing method of least squares fitting.
int lstsq_fdf (const gsl_vector *parameters, void *void_gsl_fit_struct, gsl_vector *r, gsl_matrix *J)
 A routine which calculates the residuals $r_i$ and the Jacobian matrix.
int lstsq_f (const gsl_vector *parameters, void *void_gsl_fit_struct, gsl_vector *r)
 A routine which calculates the residuals $r_i$.
int lstsq_df (const gsl_vector *parameters, void *void_gsl_fit_struct, gsl_matrix *J)
 A routine which calculates the Jacobian matrix.
double lstsq_derivatives (double p, void *void_gsl_fit_struct)
 A routine which calculates $J_{i,j}$ with a new parameter.
int lstsq_status (gsl_fit *gft, int iteration, gsl_multifit_fdfsolver *s, gsl_matrix *c)
 A fitting status update printed to stderr.

Function Documentation

int lstsq_main ( void *  void_gsl_fit_struct  ) 

void_gsl_fit_struct A void pointer, expected to be a gsl_fit.
GSL error code.
The method minimizes the sum of residuals $r_i = r(q_i,R_i,\sigma_i; \mathbf{a})$, with respect to a set of parameters $\mathbf{a}=[a_1, a_2, \ldots]$. The function to be minimized is given by,

\begin{eqnarray*} \Phi &=& \frac{1}{2} \left( \sum_{i} r_i^2(x_i,y_i,\sigma_i;\mathbf{a}) \right) \\ r_i &=& \frac{f(x_i;\mathbf{a}) - y_i}{\sigma_i} \end{eqnarray*}

where the sum is over the data points $(x_i,y_i,\sigma_i)$.

The iteration can be stopped by an error, or by successful completion. There are two stopping criterion, and the iteration stops on the success of either one. The first is when the gradient falls below a tolerance level. The test can be summarized as,

\[ \left|\frac{\partial\Phi}{\partial a_i}\right| \leq \epsilon. \]

The second stop test compares the residuals, $r$, of the last step with the residuals of the current step according to,

\[ |r^{i-1}| \leq \epsilon_{\mathrm{absolute}} + \epsilon_{\mathrm{relative}}|r^i| \]

Perhaps a later version will allow user configuration of the tolerances.

As in the other fitting methods, the GSL library takes a (void *) struct as the fitting parameters, so this is set to be the gsl_fit struct. In this way the data is totally accessible. The parameters are overwritten with this technique, however, since the gsl_fit struct is used as workspace.

Definition at line 10 of file gsl_lstsq.c.

00011 {
00012   unsigned int                        count, i;
00013   int                                 stop1, stop2;
00014   gsl_vector                         *guess;
00015   gsl_vector                         *gradt;
00016   gsl_matrix                         *covar;
00017   gsl_multifit_function_fdf           lstsq_func;
00018   gsl_multifit_fdfsolver             *solvr;
00019   gsl_fit                            *gft;
00021   gft = (gsl_fit *)void_gsl_fit_struct;
00023   /* Inital guess is the paramters as they were passed into here */
00024   guess = gsl_vector_alloc(gft->para.num);
00025   for (i=0; i<gft->para.num; i++) 
00026   {
00027     gsl_vector_set(guess, i, gft->para.par[i]);
00028   }
00030   /* count the number of data points */
00031   count = 0;
00032   for (i=0; i<gft->numd; i++) count += gft->data[i].num;
00034   /* need this vector for stop test #2 */
00035   gradt = gsl_vector_alloc(gft->para.num);
00037   /* covariant matrix  */
00038   covar = gsl_matrix_alloc(gft->para.num,gft->para.num);
00040   lstsq_func.f      = &lstsq_f;
00041   lstsq_func.df     = &lstsq_df;
00042   lstsq_func.fdf    = &lstsq_fdf;
00043   lstsq_func.n      = count;     /* number of data points */
00044   lstsq_func.p      = gft->para.num; /* number of paramters   */
00045   lstsq_func.params = (void *)gft; /* pass the full gsl_fit struct */
00047   solvr = gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_alloc(gft->meth.lstsq_type, \
00048                                        lstsq_func.n, lstsq_func.p);
00050   /*==================================================*/
00051   count = 0;
00052   gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_set(solvr, &lstsq_func, guess);
00053   gsl_multifit_covar(solvr->J, 0.0, covar);
00054   lstsq_status(gft, count, solvr, covar);
00056   do
00057   { 
00058     count++;
00059     stop1 = gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_iterate(solvr);    
00060     gsl_multifit_covar(solvr->J, 0.0, covar);
00061     lstsq_status(gft, count, solvr, covar);
00063     if (stop1) 
00064     {
00065       fprintf(stderr,"STATUS: %s\n", gsl_strerror(stop1));
00066       break;
00067     }
00069     /* Stop test #1 */
00070     stop1 = gsl_multifit_test_delta(solvr->dx, solvr->x, 1e-6, 1e-6);
00072     /* Stop test #2 */    
00073     gsl_multifit_gradient(solvr->J, solvr->f, gradt);
00074     stop2 = gsl_multifit_test_gradient(gradt, 1e-6);
00076     if ((stop1==GSL_SUCCESS) && (stop2==GSL_SUCCESS))
00077     {
00078       fprintf(stderr,"STATUS: %s\n", gsl_strerror(stop1));
00079     }
00081   } while (((stop1 == GSL_CONTINUE) || (stop2 == GSL_CONTINUE)) \
00082             && (count < gft->maxi));
00084   /*==================================================*/
00085   gsl_multifit_covar(solvr->J, 0.0, covar);
00086   lstsq_status(gft, -1, solvr, covar);
00088   /*==================================================*/
00090   gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_free(solvr);
00091   gsl_matrix_free(covar);
00092   gsl_vector_free(guess);
00093   gsl_vector_free(gradt);
00095   return GSL_SUCCESS;
00096 }

int lstsq_fdf ( const gsl_vector *  parameters,
void *  void_gsl_fit_struct,
gsl_vector *  r,
gsl_matrix *  J 

parameters A gsl_vector containing the trial parameters
void_gsl_fit_struct A void pointer, expected to be a gsl_fit.
r A gsl_vector containing the residuals $r_i$, defined above.
J A gsl_matrix containing the Jacobian matrix.
GSL error code.
This routine calculates both the residuals, and the gradient of $\Phi$ with respect to the parameters. This function does nothing but call the functions lstsq_f and lstsq_df to do the work.

Definition at line 100 of file gsl_lstsq.c.

00103 {
00104   lstsq_f (parameters, void_gsl_fit_struct, r);
00105   lstsq_df(parameters, void_gsl_fit_struct, J);
00106   return GSL_SUCCESS;
00107 }

int lstsq_f ( const gsl_vector *  parameters,
void *  void_gsl_fit_struct,
gsl_vector *  r 

parameters A gsl_vector containing the trial parameters
void_gsl_fit_struct A void pointer, expected to be a gsl_fit.
r A gsl_vector containing the residuals $r_i$, defined above.
GSL error code.
This routine calculates the residuals

\[ r_i = \frac{f(x_i;\mathbf{a}) - y_i}{\sigma_i} \]

The length of the vecotr f is $\sum n_k$, where $n_k$ is the number of data points in data set $k$

Definition at line 111 of file gsl_lstsq.c.

00114 {
00115   int                i, j, k;
00116   int                r_index;
00117   double             tmp;
00118   gsl_fit *gft;
00120   gft = (gsl_fit *)void_gsl_fit_struct;
00121   /*
00122   **  Load the params back into the parameter array.
00123   **  Why should we do this step?
00124   **  We could say below that p = + d->func[j].idx
00125   */
00126   for(i=0; i<gft->para.num; i++)
00127   {
00128     gft->para.par[i] = gsl_vector_get(parameters, i);
00129   }
00130   /*
00131   ** Loop over the data sets with index k.
00132   */
00133   r_index = 0;
00134   for (k=0; k<gft->numd; k++)
00135   {
00136     /*
00137     ** Loop over the data points with index i
00138     */ 
00139     for (i=0; i<gft->data[k].num; i++)
00140     {
00141       /*
00142       **   Loop over the functions with index j
00143       */
00144       tmp = 0.0;
00145       for (j=0; j<gft->numf; j++) 
00146       {
00147         if (gft->type==MULTIPLE)
00148         {
00149           tmp += gft->func[j].fun_m(gft->data[k].xpt[i], \
00150                                     gft->para.par + gft->func[j].idx, \
00151                                     k, j);
00152         }
00153         else
00154         {
00155           tmp += gft->func[j].fun_s(gft->data[k].xpt[i], \
00156                                     gft->para.par + gft->func[j].idx);
00157         }
00158       }
00159       tmp = (tmp - gft->data[k].ypt[i]) / gft->data[k].sig[i];    
00160       gsl_vector_set(r, r_index, tmp);
00161       r_index++; 
00162     }
00163   } 
00164   return GSL_SUCCESS;
00165 }

int lstsq_df ( const gsl_vector *  parameters,
void *  void_gsl_fit_struct,
gsl_matrix *  J 

parameters A gsl_vector containing the trial parameters
void_gsl_fit_struct A void pointer, expected to be a gsl_fit.
J A gsl_matrix containing the Jacobian matrix.
GSL error code.
The Jacobian matrix has elements

\[ J_{i,j} = \frac{\mathrm{d}r_i}{\mathrm{d}a_j} \]

where the residuals $r_i$ are given by

\[ r_i = \frac{f(x_i;\mathbf{a}) - y_i}{\sigma_i} \]

The number of rows of the Jacobian is $\sum n_i$, where $n_i$ is the number of data points in data set $i$. The number of columns is $\sum m_j$, where $m_j$ is the number of parameters in function $j$

It uses gsl_deriv_central as a numerical method to calculate the derivatives. In order for this to work, we need a sub-fucntion that calculates $J_{i,j}$ with the new parameter. This is what lstsq_derivatives does. In order for lstsq_derivatives to know which parameter is currently being tested, the index gfc->para.idx is set. To know which data point is being tested, the data set index gfc->idx and the data point gfc->data[gfc->idx].idx are both set.

If a parameter is to be held fixed, then $J_{i,j}=0$.

Definition at line 169 of file gsl_lstsq.c.

00172 {
00173   int                i, j, k;
00174   int                r_index;
00175   double             res, err;
00176   gsl_function       F;
00177   gsl_fit *gft;
00179   gft = (gsl_fit *)void_gsl_fit_struct;
00180   /*
00181   **  Load the params back into the parameter array.
00182   **  Why should we do this step?
00183   **  We could say below that p = + d->func[j].idx
00184   */
00185   for(i=0; i<gft->para.num; i++)
00186   {
00187     gft->para.par[i] = gsl_vector_get(parameters,i);
00188   }
00190   F.params   = void_gsl_fit_struct;
00191   F.function = &lstsq_derivatives;
00193   /*
00194   ** Loop over the data sets with index k.
00195   */
00196   r_index = 0;
00197   for (k=0; k<gft->numd; k++)
00198   {
00199     gft->indx = k;
00200     /*
00201     **  The jacobian mtirx J_ij = d(r_i)/d(a_j)
00202     **  => i is the data index of residual r
00203     **  => j is the parameter index
00204     */
00205     /*
00206     ** Loop over the data points with index i
00207     */ 
00208     for (i=0; i<gft->data[k].num; i++)
00209     {
00210       gft->data[k].idx = i;
00211       /*
00212       **   Loop over the parameters with index j
00213       */
00215       for (j=0; j<gft->para.num; j++) 
00216       {
00217         gft->para.idx = j;
00218         /*
00219         ** If fixed, J_ij = 0
00220         */
00221         if (gft->para.fix[j]) res=0.0;
00222         else gsl_deriv_central(&F, gft->para.par[j], 1e-4, &res, &err);
00223         gsl_matrix_set(J, r_index, j, res);
00224       }
00225       r_index += 1;
00226     }
00227   } 
00229   return GSL_SUCCESS;
00230 }

double lstsq_derivatives ( double  p,
void *  void_gsl_fit_struct 

p The new parameter to evaluate $J_{i,j}$ with
void_gsl_fit_struct A void pointer, expected to be a gsl_fit.
GSL error code
This routine help calculates $J_{i,j}$.

This routine is called repeatedly by gsl_deriv_central which is a numerical method to calculate the derivative. Each time this function is called, it is with a slightly changing parameter $a_j$

In order for lstsq_derivatives to know which parameter is currently being tested, the index gfc->para.idx is set. To know which data point is being tested, the data set index gfc->idx and the data point index gfc->data[_gfc->idx].idx are set.

Definition at line 234 of file gsl_lstsq.c.

00235 {
00236   int                i, j;
00237   double             tmp;
00238   gsl_fit *gft;
00240   gft = (gsl_fit *)void_gsl_fit_struct; 
00241   /*
00242   **  We need a complete set of paramters 'tmp',
00243   **  with the derivative parameter 'p' 
00244   **  replacing the parameter at index 'd->para.idx'.
00245   */
00246   for(i=0; i<gft->para.num; i++) gft->para.tmp[i] = gft->para.par[i];
00247   gft->para.tmp[gft->para.idx] = p;
00249   tmp = 0.0;
00250   i  = gft->data[gft->indx].idx;
00251   for (j=0; j<gft->numf; j++) 
00252   {
00253     if (gft->type == MULTIPLE)
00254     {
00255       tmp += gft->func[j].fun_m(gft->data[gft->indx].xpt[i], \
00256                                 gft->para.tmp+gft->func[j].idx, \
00257                                 gft->indx, j);
00258     }
00259     else
00260     {
00261       tmp += gft->func[j].fun_s(gft->data[gft->indx].xpt[i], \
00262                                 gft->para.tmp+gft->func[j].idx);
00263     }
00264   }
00265   tmp = (tmp - gft->data[gft->indx].ypt[i]) / gft->data[gft->indx].sig[i];    
00266   return tmp;
00267 }

int lstsq_status ( gsl_fit gft,
int  iteration,
gsl_multifit_fdfsolver *  s,
gsl_matrix *  c 

gft A gsl_fit.
iteration The current iteration of the fitting method
s A gsl_multifit_fdfsolver containing the current state of the fit.
c A gsl_matrix conatining the covarient matrix.
GSL error code
Prints the status of the fit to stderr. The covarant matrix is used to determine the error in the fitted paramters.

Definition at line 271 of file gsl_lstsq.c.

00275 {
00276   int      j;
00277   double   chisq;
00279   if (iteration >= 0)
00280   {
00281     fprintf(stderr,"ITERATION:%3u ", iteration);
00282     fprintf(stderr,"===================\n");
00283   }
00284   else
00285   {
00286     fprintf(stderr,"COMPLETE ");
00287     fprintf(stderr,"===================\n");
00288   }
00289   chisq = gsl_blas_dnrm2(s->f)/(double)((gft->numd)-(gft->para.num));
00290   fprintf(stderr,"ChiSq: %12.6e\n", chisq);
00292   for (j=0; j<gft->para.num; j++)
00293   {
00294     fprintf(stderr,"%3d: %12.6f +/- %8.6f\n",
00295             j,
00296             gsl_vector_get(s->x, j),
00297             sqrt(gsl_matrix_get(c, j, j)));
00298   }
00299   fprintf(stderr,"\n");
00301   if (iteration < 0)
00302   {
00303     for (j=0; j<gft->para.num; j++)
00304     {
00305       gft->para.par[j] = gsl_vector_get(s->x, j);
00306       gft->para.err[j] = sqrt(gsl_matrix_get(c, j, j));
00307     }
00308     gft->chis = chisq;
00309   }
00311   return GSL_SUCCESS;
00312 }

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