yanera_postfix.h File Reference

Detailed Description

In order to evaluate a user supplied function expression of a layer (eg. a function like: a*exp(-(z-12.2)/b), where a,b are adjustable varaibles.), we have to convert the expression to from infix to postfix notation. This file has all the required functions for this.

Operator Precendence: (5 = evaluated first)

Definition in file yanera_postfix.h.

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  evaluation_stack_element
struct  evaluation_stack
struct  operator_stack_element
struct  operator_stack


enum  operator_type
 Operator types. More...


short parmindex (char c, char *parm_name)
 From the string of parameter names, find the character.
void parse_expression (yanera_postfix *pq, char *expression, char *parm_name, short *parm)
 Parse the prefix expression into a postfix expression.
void parameter_decision (yanera_postfix *pq, const char c[4], short indx)
 Check for recurrence of same variable.
void append_number_string (char c)
 Append a numeric character to the number_string.
void stop_number_string (yanera_postfix *pq)
 Take the number_string and push onto yanera_postfix.
yanera_postfixinitizlize_postfix_queue (void)
 Initialize the yanera_postfix.
void enqueue_postfix_queue (yanera_postfix *pq, const char *c, double d, short indx, short type)
 Initialize the yanera_postfix.
void print_postfix (yanera_postfix *pq, double x, double *params)
 Print the yanera_postfix for examination.
double evaluate_postfix (yanera_postfix *pq, double z, double *params)
 Evaluate the yanera_postfix.
void free_postfix_queue (yanera_postfix *pq)
 Free the yanera_postfix.
void initizlize_operator_stack (void)
 Initalize the operator_stack.
struct operator_stack_elementoperator_stack_element_new (const char *oper, short prec, short type)
 Load data into an operator_stack_element.
void push_operator_stack (struct operator_stack_element *o)
 Push an operator_stack_element onto the operator_stack.
struct operator_stack_elementpop_operator_stack (void)
 Pop the top operator_stack_element from the operator_stack.
short operator_stack_is_empty (void)
 Returns whether the operator_stack is empty.
short operator_stack_top_precedence (void)
 Returns the precendence of the top operator_stack_element.
void operator_decision (yanera_postfix *pq, const char oper[4], short prec, short type)
 The heart of the prefix to postfix conversion algorithm.
void initizlize_evaluation_stack (void)
 Initalize the evaluation_stack.
void push_evaluation_stack (double d)
 Push a number onto the evaluation_stack.
double pop_evaluation_stack (void)
 Pop a number from the evaluation_stack.


char * number_string
struct evaluation_stack evaluation_stack
struct operator_stack operator_stack

Enumeration Type Documentation

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- The purpose of enumerating the operator types is to set the syntax and grammer of infix notation.

Definition at line 32 of file yanera_postfix.h.

Function Documentation

short parmindex ( char  c,
char *  parm_name 

c The character to match.
parm_name The string of parameter names.
Returns the index from the string of parameter names that matches the character.

Definition at line 39 of file yanera_postfix.c.

void parse_expression ( yanera_postfix pq,
char *  expression,
char *  parm_name,
short *  parm 

pq The yanera_postfix which will hold the expression
expression The prefix expression as a character string
parm_name A character array containing only one leter
parm The index array for the parameters
Parse the prefix expression into a postfix expression.

The parm_name and parm arrays together form a look-up table. Every variable name appears once in the parm_name array. The parm array conatins the index for the paramter array that carries the actual values of that variable.


 parm_name = "acbd"
 parm      = {4,0,2,1}
 parmamter = {1.2, 3.5, 5.4, 0.2, 10.2}
Leads to:
 a = parameter[4] = 10.2
 d = parameter[1] =  3.5

Definition at line 76 of file yanera_postfix.c.

void parameter_decision ( yanera_postfix pq,
const char  c[4],
short  indx 

We need to determine whether a variable has already been added to the yanera_postfix. If it has, then add it again, but using the same index as before. This allows varaibles (a,b,c,etc.) to appear more than once in the expression.

Definition at line 615 of file yanera_postfix.c.

void append_number_string ( char  c  ) 

Append a numeric character to the number_string

Definition at line 644 of file yanera_postfix.c.

void stop_number_string ( yanera_postfix pq  ) 

Take the number_string and push onto yanera_postfix. Free the string memory.

Definition at line 669 of file yanera_postfix.c.

yanera_postfix* initizlize_postfix_queue ( void   ) 

Initialize the yanera_postfix.

Definition at line 684 of file yanera_postfix.c.

void enqueue_postfix_queue ( yanera_postfix pq,
const char *  c,
double  d,
short  indx,
short  type 

pq The yanera_postfix with the postfix expression
c A size 4 character string of the operator or variable
d A double number.
indx For variables, the paramter array index.
type The type of element store See below.
This function initializes the yanera_postfix.

The queue contains either a number, symbolic operators (+,-,*,/,^), word operators (cos,sin,tan,exp,log,abs), varaibles (a,b,c,etc.) or the ordinate value (z).

Definition at line 711 of file yanera_postfix.c.

void print_postfix ( yanera_postfix pq,
double  x,
double *  params 

pq The yanera_postfix with the postfix expression
x The ordinate
params A parameter array.
This function works like the evaluation of the yanera_postfix, however it mearly prints to stderr the contents of the queue, to see if the prefix expression was evaluated properly.

Definition at line 756 of file yanera_postfix.c.

double evaluate_postfix ( yanera_postfix pq,
double  z,
double *  params 

pq The yanera_postfix with the postfix expression
z The ordinate
params A parameter array.
The function evaluates the postfix expression at ordinate z and with variables in the params array. When the ordinate is encountered, substitute the value z.

Definition at line 800 of file yanera_postfix.c.

void free_postfix_queue ( yanera_postfix pq  ) 


Definition at line 871 of file yanera_postfix.c.

void initizlize_operator_stack ( void   ) 

Initalize the operator_stack. The stack will be empty at the end and not need to be freed.

Definition at line 897 of file yanera_postfix.c.

struct operator_stack_element* operator_stack_element_new ( const char *  oper,
short  prec,
short  type 
) [read]

Allocate a new operator_stack_element , and fill with data.

Definition at line 908 of file yanera_postfix.c.

void push_operator_stack ( struct operator_stack_element o  ) 

Push an operator_stack_element onto teh operator_stack.

Definition at line 925 of file yanera_postfix.c.

struct operator_stack_element* pop_operator_stack ( void   )  [read]

Pop the top operator_stack_element from the operator_stack. Creates a copy of the operator_stack_element which MUST BE FREE

Definition at line 938 of file yanera_postfix.c.

short operator_stack_is_empty ( void   ) 

Returns whether the operator_stack is empty.

Definition at line 965 of file yanera_postfix.c.

short operator_stack_top_precedence ( void   ) 

Returns the precendence of the top operator_stack_element. Returns 0 is stack is empty.

Definition at line 976 of file yanera_postfix.c.

void operator_decision ( yanera_postfix pq,
const char  oper[4],
short  prec,
short  type 

The heart of the prefix to postfix conversion algorithm.

Definition at line 988 of file yanera_postfix.c.

void initizlize_evaluation_stack ( void   ) 

Initalize the evaluation_stack. The stack will be empty at the end and not need to be freed.

Definition at line 1021 of file yanera_postfix.c.

void push_evaluation_stack ( double  d  ) 

Push a number onto the evaluation_stack

Definition at line 1032 of file yanera_postfix.c.

double pop_evaluation_stack ( void   ) 

Pop a number from the evaluation_stack.

Definition at line 1048 of file yanera_postfix.c.

Variable Documentation

Parsing a floating point number requires character-by-character placing of the number into a string, followed by conversion.

Definition at line 49 of file yanera_postfix.h.

The evaluation stack is for the evaluation of the postfix_queue.

The external storage data structure is defined here.

Definition at line 74 of file yanera_postfix.h.

A global declaration of the operator stack.

Definition at line 101 of file yanera_postfix.h.

Generated on Thu May 29 10:56:33 2008 by  doxygen 1.5.5