Evolution of Boson peak with Li-salt concentration in superionic xLi(2)SO(4)center dot(1-x)LiPO3 glasses (bibtex)
by Heitmann, Tom, Hester, Gavin and Mitra, Saibal
Inelastic neutron spectroscopy has been performed on two members of the family of superionic glasses: xLi(2)SO(4)center dot(1-x)LiPO3, x = 0.05 and 0.3. Measurements were performed on the thermal triple-axis spectrometer (Triax) at the University of Missouri Research Reactor covering 0.7 angstrom(-1) < Q < 4.5 angstrom(-1) and -2meV < E < 25 meV. A clear signature of a Boson peak is present for both the x = 0.05 and x = 0.3 samples. The Boson peak associated with the x = 0.3 sample is found to be enhanced and broadened to the high energy side of the peak compared to that of the x = 0.05 sample, indicating that the presence of more Li-salt results in modified dynamics of the underlying structural framework. Such dynamics are expected to influence the ionic conduction properties of these materials that are important as possible electrolyte materials in all solid-state Li-ion batteries.
Heitmann, Tom, Hester, Gavin and Mitra, Saibal, "Evolution of Boson peak with Li-salt concentration in superionic xLi(2)SO(4)center dot(1-x)LiPO3 glasses", In PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, vol. 551, pp. 315-319, 2018.
Bibtex Entry:
@article{ WOS:000455012800064,
Author = {Heitmann, Tom and Hester, Gavin and Mitra, Saibal},
Title = {Evolution of Boson peak with Li-salt concentration in superionic
   xLi(2)SO(4)center dot(1-x)LiPO3 glasses},
Year = {2018},
Volume = {551},
Pages = {315-319},
Month = {DEC 15},
Note = {11th International Conference on Neutron Scattering (ICNS), Daejeon,
   SOUTH KOREA, JUL 09-13, 2017},
Organization = {Korea Neutron Beam User Assoc; Korea Atom Energy Res Inst},
Abstract = {Inelastic neutron spectroscopy has been performed on two members of the
   family of superionic glasses: xLi(2)SO(4)center dot(1-x)LiPO3, x = 0.05
   and 0.3. Measurements were performed on the thermal triple-axis
   spectrometer (Triax) at the University of Missouri Research Reactor
   covering 0.7 angstrom(-1) < Q < 4.5 angstrom(-1) and -2meV < E < 25 meV.
   A clear signature of a Boson peak is present for both the x = 0.05 and x
   = 0.3 samples. The Boson peak associated with the x = 0.3 sample is
   found to be enhanced and broadened to the high energy side of the peak
   compared to that of the x = 0.05 sample, indicating that the presence of
   more Li-salt results in modified dynamics of the underlying structural
   framework. Such dynamics are expected to influence the ionic conduction
   properties of these materials that are important as possible electrolyte
   materials in all solid-state Li-ion batteries.},
DOI = {10.1016/j.physb.2017.11.056},
ISSN = {0921-4526},
EISSN = {1873-2135},
ORCID-Numbers = {Hester, Gavin/0000-0003-1444-4510},
Unique-ID = {WOS:000455012800064},
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