Graduate Profile: Garry William Timco
B.Sc. (Honours) 1973, M.Sc. 1974 (UWO), Ph.D. 1977 (UWO)
Garry Timco graduated from Brock University in St. Catharines, Canada in 1973
with a B.Sc. in Physics with First Class Honours and was awarded the Governor General's medal. He did his graduate work at the University of Western Ontario in London, Canada where he received the M.Sc. degree (Geophysics) in 1974 and the Ph.D. degree (Geophysics) in 1977. His research topics were related to perovskite ferroelectric structures under high pressure and high temperature conditions.
In 1977, Dr. Timco accepted a position at the National Research Council of
Canada in Ottawa to work on sea ice problems. He has remained at the NRC ever
since and in 2006 was promoted to the Principal Research Officer category. He is
the Group Leader of the Cold Regions Technology Group at the Canadian Hydraulics
Centre of the NRC. In 2006, he was awarded an NRC Outstanding Achievement Award
for his contributions to ice engineering. In his letter of congratulations, the
NRC President Pierre Coulombe stated that the award was given "for your superior
quality of research and the relevance of the problems that you have both tackled
and solved have helped shape the Canadian Hydraulics Centre into an NRC success
story". He has also been an Adjunct Professor of Ocean Engineering at Memorial
University since 1987.
Dr. Timco has worked on and led several field projects, laboratory studies,
analytical models and data mining projects. He has traveled extensively in the
Arctic doing research on ice interaction with offshore drilling platforms and
icebreaking vessels. He is internationally recognised for his contributions to
the understanding of the mechanical properties of ice, physical model testing
with ice, ice loads on fixed offshore structures, and damage to vessels in
ice-covered waters. He is the author of over 200 publications and reports and
has written several keynote papers addressing various aspects of cold regions
technology. He has chaired several international Committees and Working Groups
and he is presently on three Technical Panels which are writing the ISO Arctic
Structures Code. He has edited a State-of-the-Art Review on Ice Forces, and a
Special Issue of JGR related to the SIMI project. In 2001, he organized and
hosted the 16th International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under
Arctic Conditions in Ottawa, and he is currently the Secretary General of that
society. He has recently been appointed the Editor of the Journal of Cold
Regions Science and Technology.
During his second year at Brock, he met and began dating Connie Mason. They were
married during the summer following his graduation from Brock. They have two
daughters, Jessica and Kristy. Garry's hobbies include music, high end audio,
cooking and woodworking.
October, 2006