gsl_fit.c File Reference

Detailed Description

This file contains user accessbile routines for staring the fitting procedure.

Definition in file gsl_fit.c.

Go to the source code of this file.


gsl_fitgsl_fit_alloc (unsigned int method, unsigned int algotrithm, unsigned int max_iter, unsigned int type)
 Call this function to initate and zero the model.
int gsl_fit_add_dataset (gsl_fit *gft, double *xpt, double *ypt, double *sig, unsigned int num)
 Call this function to add a data set to be fit.
int gsl_fit_add_model_multiple (gsl_fit *gft, double(*fun)(double, double *, unsigned int, unsigned int), double *par, unsigned int *fix, unsigned int num)
 Call this function to add a model function when fitting multiple datasets.
int gsl_fit_add_model_single (gsl_fit *gft, double(*fun)(double, double *), double *par, unsigned int *fix, unsigned int num)
 Call this function to add a model function when fitting single datasets.
int gsl_fit_print (gsl_fit *gft, char *filename)
 Print out the current parameter fit.
int gsl_fit_get_result (gsl_fit *gft, unsigned int function, double *par, double *err, unsigned int num)
 Get the results.
int gsl_fit_do (gsl_fit *gft)
 Do the fit.
void gsl_fit_free (gsl_fit *gft)
 Free the gsl_fit.

Generated on Fri Jan 19 14:54:26 2007 for gsl_fit by  doxygen 1.4.7