User accessible gsl_fit functions


gsl_fitgsl_fit_alloc (unsigned int method, unsigned int algotrithm, unsigned int max_iter, unsigned int type)
 Call this function to initate and zero the model.
int gsl_fit_add_dataset (gsl_fit *gft, double *xpt, double *ypt, double *sig, unsigned int num)
 Call this function to add a data set to be fit.
int gsl_fit_add_model_single (gsl_fit *gft, double(*fun)(double, double *), double *par, unsigned int *fix, unsigned int num)
 Call this function to add a model function when fitting single datasets.
int gsl_fit_add_model_multiple (gsl_fit *gft, double(*fun)(double, double *, unsigned int, unsigned int), double *par, unsigned int *fix, unsigned int num)
 Call this function to add a model function when fitting multiple datasets.
int gsl_fit_print (gsl_fit *gft, char *filename)
 Print out the current parameter fit.
int gsl_fit_do (gsl_fit *gft)
 Do the fit.
int gsl_fit_get_result (gsl_fit *gft, unsigned int function, double *par, double *err, unsigned int num)
 Get the results.
void gsl_fit_free (gsl_fit *gft)
 Free the gsl_fit.

Function Documentation

gsl_fit* gsl_fit_alloc ( unsigned int  method,
unsigned int  algotrithm,
unsigned int  max_iter,
unsigned int  type 

method Fitting method
algotrithm Fitting algorithm
max_iter Maximum number of iterations
type Fitting SINGLE or MULTIPLE data sets?
A newly allocated gsl_fit.
This function allocates a new gsl_fit for use. Must supply the method and algorithm, and the maximum number of iterations for least squars or multidimensional minimizations. For simulated annealing, the second and third arguments are ignored.

Call this function with the intention of fitting slingle or multiple data sets by setting the type paramter to SINGLE or MULTIPLE.

Definition at line 11 of file gsl_fit.c.

00015 {
00016   /* 
00017    * This instance will be created in memory and the 
00018    * pointer to it passed back to the user 
00019    */
00020   gsl_fit *gft;
00022   /* Sanity checks */
00023   if ((method<MULTIDIM_MINIMIZAION)||(method>SIMULATED_ANNEAL)) {
00024     GSL_ERROR_VAL("Not a valid method", \
00025                    GSL_EINVAL, NULL); }
00026   if ((algotrithm<CONJUGATE_FR)||(algotrithm>LMDR)) {
00027     GSL_ERROR_VAL("Not a valid algortithm", \
00028                    GSL_EINVAL, NULL); }
00029   if ((method == MULTIDIM_MINIMIZAION) && (algotrithm > STEEPEST_DESCENT)) {
00030     GSL_ERROR_VAL("Wrong method/algotrithm pair.", \
00031                    GSL_EINVAL, NULL); }
00032   else if (method == LEAST_SQUARES)  {
00033     if ((algotrithm <= STEEPEST_DESCENT) || (algotrithm > LMDR)) {
00034       GSL_ERROR_VAL("Wrong method/algotrithm pair.", \
00035                      GSL_EINVAL, NULL); } }
00036   if ((method!=SIMULATED_ANNEAL)&&(max_iter<=0)) {
00037     GSL_ERROR_VAL("Not enough iterations", \
00038                GSL_EINVAL, NULL); }
00039   if ((type!=SINGLE)&&(type!=MULTIPLE)) {
00040     GSL_ERROR_VAL("Not valid type", \
00041                GSL_EINVAL, NULL); }
00042   /* Allocate memory for the gsl_fit */
00043   gft = (gsl_fit *)malloc(sizeof(gsl_fit));
00044   if (gft==NULL) {
00045     GSL_ERROR_VAL("Failed to allocate a gsl_fit", \
00046                    GSL_ENOMEM, NULL); }
00048   /* Initialize the data struct */
00049   gft->numd = 0;
00050   gft->data = NULL;
00052   /* Initialize stuff */
00053   gft->chis = 0.0;  
00054   gft->maxi = max_iter;
00055   gft->indx = 0;
00056   gft->type = type;
00058   /* Initialize the paramter struct */
00059   gft->para.num = 0;
00060   gft->para.idx = 0;
00061   gft->para.par = NULL;
00062   gft->para.fix = NULL;
00063   gft->para.err = NULL;
00064   gft->para.tmp = NULL;
00066   /* Initialize the function struct */
00067   gft->numf = 0;
00068   gft->func = NULL;
00070   /*------------------------------------------------------*/
00071   /* Set the fitting method */
00072   switch (method) {
00073     case LEAST_SQUARES:
00074       gft->meth.solver_function_call = &lstsq_main;
00075       break;
00077       gft->meth.solver_function_call = &mdmin_main;
00078       break;
00079     case SIMULATED_ANNEAL: 
00080       gft->meth.solver_function_call = &siman_main;
00081       break;
00082     default: 
00083       gft->meth.solver_function_call = &lstsq_main;
00084   }
00086   switch (algotrithm) {
00087     case CONJUGATE_FR: 
00088       gft->meth.mdmin_type = gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer_conjugate_fr;
00089       break;
00090     case CONJUGATE_PR: 
00091       gft->meth.mdmin_type = gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer_conjugate_pr;
00092       break;
00093     case VECTOR_BFGS: 
00094       gft->meth.mdmin_type = gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer_vector_bfgs;
00095       break;
00096     case STEEPEST_DESCENT: 
00097       gft->meth.mdmin_type = \
00098                      gsl_multimin_fdfminimizer_steepest_descent;
00099       break;
00100     case LMSDR: 
00101       gft->meth.lstsq_type = gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_lmsder;
00102       break;
00103     case LMDR: 
00104       gft->meth.lstsq_type = gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_lmder;
00105       break;
00106     default:
00107       gft->meth.lstsq_type = gsl_multifit_fdfsolver_lmder;
00108       break;
00109   }
00111   return gft;
00112 }

int gsl_fit_add_dataset ( gsl_fit gft,
double *  xpt,
double *  ypt,
double *  sig,
unsigned int  num 

gft A pointer to a gsl_fit
xpt Array of $x$ data
ypt Array of $y$ data
sig Array of errors in the $y$ data
num Length of data arrays
GSL error code.
Simply adds a data set to the list of data to be fitted. If you dont want error in the $y$ data, simply set $\sigma=1$.

Definition at line 114 of file gsl_fit.c.

00117 {
00118   int i;
00120   /* Sanity checks */
00121   if (gft==NULL) {
00122     GSL_ERROR("Attempt to add data to null gsl_fit", \
00123                GSL_EFAULT); }
00124   if ((gft->type==SINGLE)&&(gft->numd!=0)) {
00125     GSL_ERROR("Already have data to fit", \
00126                GSL_EINVAL); }
00127   if (num<=2) {
00128     GSL_ERROR("Not enough data points", \
00129                GSL_EINVAL); }
00131   /*==============*/
00132   /* allocate the memory for the */
00133   gft->data = realloc(gft->data, (gft->numd+1)*sizeof(struct _data));
00134   if (gft->data == NULL) {
00135       GSL_ERROR("No memory for data set",\
00136                  GSL_ENOMEM); }
00138   /*==============*/
00139   gft->data[gft->numd].xpt = (double *)malloc(num*sizeof(double));
00140   gft->data[gft->numd].ypt = (double *)malloc(num*sizeof(double));
00141   gft->data[gft->numd].sig = (double *)malloc(num*sizeof(double));
00142   if ((gft->data[gft->numd].xpt == NULL) || \
00143       (gft->data[gft->numd].ypt == NULL) || \
00144       (gft->data[gft->numd].sig == NULL)) {
00145       GSL_ERROR("No memory for data set",\
00146                  GSL_ENOMEM); }
00148   /*==============*/
00149   gft->data[gft->numd].num = num;
00150   gft->data[gft->numd].idx = 0;
00152   /*==============*/
00153   for (i=0; i<num; i++)
00154   {
00155     gft->data[gft->numd].xpt[i] = xpt[i];
00156     gft->data[gft->numd].ypt[i] = ypt[i];
00157     gft->data[gft->numd].sig[i] = sig[i];
00158   }
00160   /*==============*/
00161   gft->numd += 1;
00163   /*==============*/
00164   return GSL_SUCCESS;
00165 }

int gsl_fit_add_model_single ( gsl_fit gft,
double(*)(double, double *)  fun,
double *  par,
unsigned int *  fix,
unsigned int  num 

gft A pointer to a gsl_fit
fun A pointer to user-supplied model function
par An array of parameters values
fix An array indicating which parameters are to held fixed
num Length of parameter array
GSL error code.
This adds a model function to fit the data, as well as an inital guess of the parameters. To hold a parameter fixed in the fitting, set fit[i]=1 . The function must be of the format: $y = f(x;\mathbf{a})$, i.e., for a single point $x$, and paramter set $\mathbf{a}$, return the value $y$.

Definition at line 211 of file gsl_fit.c.

00214 {
00215   unsigned int i;
00217   /* Sanity checks */
00218   if (gft==NULL) {
00219     GSL_ERROR("Attempt to add data to null gsl_fit", \
00220                GSL_EFAULT); }
00221   if (num<=0) {
00222     GSL_ERROR("Not enough data points", \
00223                GSL_EINVAL); }
00224   if (gft->type==MULTIPLE) {
00225     GSL_ERROR("Wrong model type", \
00226                GSL_EINVAL); }       
00228   gft->func     = realloc(gft->func,     (gft->numf+1)*sizeof(struct _func));
00229   gft->para.par = realloc(gft->para.par, (gft->para.num+num)*sizeof(double));
00230   gft->para.fix = realloc(gft->para.fix, \
00231                                    (gft->para.num+num)*sizeof(unsigned int));
00232   gft->para.err = realloc(gft->para.err, (gft->para.num+num)*sizeof(double));
00233   gft->para.tmp = realloc(gft->para.tmp, (gft->para.num+num)*sizeof(double));
00235   gft->func[gft->numf].fun_m = NULL;
00236   gft->func[gft->numf].fun_s = fun;
00237   gft->func[gft->numf].num = num;
00238   gft->func[gft->numf].idx = gft->para.num;
00240   for (i=0; i<num; i++)
00241   {
00242     gft->para.par[i+gft->para.num] = par[i];
00243     gft->para.fix[i+gft->para.num] = fix[i];
00244     gft->para.err[i+gft->para.num] = 0.0;
00245     gft->para.tmp[i+gft->para.num] = 0.0;
00246   } 
00248   gft->numf += 1;
00249   gft->para.num += num;
00251   return GSL_SUCCESS;
00252 }

int gsl_fit_add_model_multiple ( gsl_fit gft,
double(*)(double, double *, unsigned int, unsigned int)  fun,
double *  par,
unsigned int *  fix,
unsigned int  num 

gft A pointer to a gsl_fit
fun A pointer to user-supplied model function
par An array of parameters values
fix An array indicating which parameters are to held fixed
num Length of parameter array
GSL error code.
This adds a model function to fit the data, as well as an inital guess of the parameters. To hold a parameter fixed in the fitting, set fit[i]=1 . The function must be of similar format to the single form: $y = f(x;\mathbf{a})$, i.e., for a single point $x$, and paramter set $\mathbf{a}$, return the value $y$. In addition, the function must accept two intergers, the first for the data set being fitted, and the second

Definition at line 167 of file gsl_fit.c.

00171 {
00172   unsigned int i;
00174   /* Sanity checks */
00175   if (gft==NULL) {
00176     GSL_ERROR("Attempt to add data to null gsl_fit", \
00177                GSL_EFAULT); }
00178   if (num<=0) {
00179     GSL_ERROR("Not enough data points", \
00180                GSL_EINVAL); }
00181   if (gft->type==SINGLE) {
00182     GSL_ERROR("Wrong model type", \
00183                GSL_EINVAL); } 
00185   gft->func     = realloc(gft->func,     (gft->numf+1)*sizeof(struct _func));
00186   gft->para.par = realloc(gft->para.par, (gft->para.num+num)*sizeof(double));
00187   gft->para.fix = realloc(gft->para.fix, \
00188                                    (gft->para.num+num)*sizeof(unsigned int));
00189   gft->para.err = realloc(gft->para.err, (gft->para.num+num)*sizeof(double));
00190   gft->para.tmp = realloc(gft->para.tmp, (gft->para.num+num)*sizeof(double));
00192   gft->func[gft->numf].fun_m = fun;
00193   gft->func[gft->numf].fun_s = NULL;
00194   gft->func[gft->numf].num = num;
00195   gft->func[gft->numf].idx = gft->para.num;
00197   for (i=0; i<num; i++)
00198   {
00199     gft->para.par[i+gft->para.num] = par[i];
00200     gft->para.fix[i+gft->para.num] = fix[i];
00201     gft->para.err[i+gft->para.num] = 0.0;
00202     gft->para.tmp[i+gft->para.num] = 0.0;
00203   } 
00205   gft->numf += 1;
00206   gft->para.num += num;
00208   return GSL_SUCCESS;
00209 }

int gsl_fit_print ( gsl_fit gft,
char *  filename 

gft A pointer to a gsl_fit
filename A output filename
GSL error code.
Prints the current state of the fit to file based on current values of the parameters. The output uses the $x$ values fo the data sets and prints two-column data. If there are more than one data set to be fit, it just appends the next data set to the end of the same file.

Definition at line 254 of file gsl_fit.c.

00255 {
00256   int    i, j, k;
00257   double tmp;
00258   FILE  *fp;
00260   /* Sanity checks */
00261   if (gft==NULL) {
00262     GSL_ERROR("Attempt to print data from a null gsl_fit", \
00263                GSL_EFAULT); }
00265   fp = fopen(filename, "w");
00266   if (fp==NULL) {
00267     GSL_ERROR("Cannot open file for writing", \
00268                GSL_ENOMEM); }
00270   /* loop over the data sets */
00271   for (k=0; k<gft->numd; k++)
00272   {
00273     /* loop over the data points in data set k */
00274     for (i=0; i<gft->data[k].num; i++)
00275     {
00276       /* loop over the model functions */
00277       tmp = 0.0;
00278       for (j=0; j<gft->numf; j++) 
00279       {
00280         if (gft->type == MULTIPLE)
00281         {
00282           tmp += gft->func[j].fun_m(gft->data[k].xpt[i], \
00283                                   gft->para.par+gft->func[j].idx, k, j);
00284         }
00285         else
00286         {
00287           tmp += gft->func[j].fun_s(gft->data[k].xpt[i], \
00288                                   gft->para.par+gft->func[j].idx);
00289         }
00290       }
00291       fprintf(fp,"%f\t%f\n", gft->data[k].xpt[i], tmp);
00292     }
00293     fprintf(fp,"\n");
00294   }
00296   fclose(fp);
00298   return GSL_SUCCESS;
00299 }

int gsl_fit_do ( gsl_fit gft  ) 

gft A pointer to a gsl_fit
GSL error code.
Use this to execute the fitting code.

Definition at line 326 of file gsl_fit.c.

00327 {
00328   int status;
00330   status = gft->meth.solver_function_call(gft);
00332   return status;
00333 }

int gsl_fit_get_result ( gsl_fit gft,
unsigned int  function,
double *  par,
double *  err,
unsigned int  num 

gft A pointer to a gsl_fit
function The number of which function to get the parameters
par An array of parameters values
err An array indicating the errors of the parameters
num Length of parameter array
GSL error code.
As a complement to gsl_fit_add_model, returns the parameters of function. No fitting errors are returned for the multidimensional minimization and simulated annealing methods.

Definition at line 301 of file gsl_fit.c.

00304 {
00305   int i;
00307   /* Sanity checks */
00308   if (gft==NULL) {
00309     GSL_ERROR(" attempt to get results from a null gsl_fit", \
00310                GSL_EINVAL); }
00311   if (function>=gft->numf) {
00312     GSL_ERROR(" attempt to get results from non-existant function", \
00313                GSL_EINVAL); }
00314   if (num!=gft->func[function].num) {
00315     GSL_ERROR(" wrong number of parameters to get", \
00316                GSL_EINVAL); }
00318   for (i=0; i<num; i++)
00319   {
00320     par[i] = (gft->para.par+gft->func[function].idx)[i];
00321     err[i] = (gft->para.err+gft->func[function].idx)[i];
00322   }
00323   return GSL_SUCCESS;
00324 }

void gsl_fit_free ( gsl_fit gft  ) 

gft A pointer to a gsl_fit
GSL error code.
Free the gsl_fit.

Definition at line 335 of file gsl_fit.c.

00336 {
00337   int k;
00339   if (gft == NULL) return;
00341   for(k=0; k<gft->numd; k++)
00342   {
00343     free(gft->data[k].xpt);
00344     free(gft->data[k].ypt);
00345     free(gft->data[k].sig);
00346   }
00347   if (gft->numd) free(gft->data);
00349   if (gft->para.num)
00350   {
00351     free(gft->para.par);
00352     free(gft->para.fix);
00353     free(gft->para.err);
00354     free(gft->para.tmp);
00355   }
00357   if (gft->numf)
00358   {
00359     free(gft->func);
00360   }
00362   free(gft);
00363   /*==============*/
00364   return;
00365 }

Generated on Fri Jan 19 14:54:27 2007 for gsl_fit by  doxygen 1.4.7