XML Input

This is old.

See the changelog for updates.

The XML input is outlined here. For those familiar with HTML language for web pages it should be easy to read. Accompanying the XML file should be the parratt.dtd file, which should not need to be altered. DTD files describe the rules for how the XML file should appear, to make sure that the number and order of records are valid.


The XML file begins with two header lines, that should always be the same. They specify the DTD file to look for.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE parratt SYSTEM "parratt.dtd">

The root level of XML tag is also always the same, and every option described below appears between the parratt tags. The parratt tag takes two optional attributes, type and do_fit, which must appear in quotes.

<parratt type="parratt" do_fit="no">
The type attribute sets the type of simulation, whether normal parratt or polarized. The default value is parratt. When the do_fit attribute is set to no, the program only calculates the profile and reflectivity curves without doing any fitting. The default value is no.


The next section should is for parameters controlling the output. This elements in this section are optional.
    <q_min> 0.000</q_min>
    <q_max> 0.300</q_max>
The first two tags set the file names for the output profile and reflectivity curves, respectively. The reflectivity curve is calculated at num_q points from q_min to q_max. The profile curve is calculated at num_z points between limits determined by the program. Shown above are the default values.


The next section is for parameters controlling the fitting. This section is skipped if no fitting is to be done.
The first tag gives the filename of the data to be fitted in parratt mode. For polarized fitting of two data sets, use these tags instead:
Data should be in two columns, $x,y$ or three columns, $x,y,\sigma$ . The second tag describes what type of weights are be used for the fitting, in terms of the uncertainty in the $y$ measurements, $\sigma$. The choices are
Choosing WEIGHT_NONE sets $\sigma = 1$. Choosing WEIGHT_R or WEIGHT_SQRT sets $\sigma = y$ or $\sqrt{y}$, respectively. The final choice WEIGHT_ERR is to use the reported error from the data file, which should be in the third column.

There are three different fitting method types, some with optional algorithms. Everything available in the Gnu Scientific Library version 1.6 was included.

Type: LEAST_SQUARES        
  Algo: LMSDR              
  Algo: LMDR               
  Algo: CONJUGATE_FR       
  Algo: CONJUGATE_PR       
  Algo: VECTOR_BFGS        
  Algo: STEEP_DESC         
The correct method type and algorithm pair should be specified. See the GSL documentation for more information on these methods.

The least squares algorithms are by far the most robust choice. I have found that although the multidimensional minimization use the computed first derivatives to pick the direction of optimization, the step size is not always as optimal. I have also used simulated annealing to gain insights into the variation of the parameters, through repeatedly running simulations from a already good fit as a starting point.


The last section is the model section. All data relating to the model falls between he model XML tags.

A general layer has five or seven quantities, depending on whether polarization is included.

      <thik fix="0">11.000</thik>
      <sigz fix="1"> 1.000</sigz>
      <rsld fix="1"> 8.000</rsld>
      <isld fix="1"> 0.000</isld>
      <rmag fix="1"> 8.000</rmag>
      <imag fix="1"> 0.000</imag>
Units are in $\AA$ for the thickness (thik) and roughness (sigz), and $10^{-6} \AA^2$ for the scattering length densities (SLD). The nuclear SLD is given by rsld, and for the magnetic SLD as rmag. The imaginary part of either the SLD is optional. The order of these parameters is, I think, important, since it's dictated by the DTD.

The way things currently work, the program will read, and use, the rmag value in the calculation, regardless of the choice of parratt or polarization as the simulation type. The real purpose of the polarization type is just to fit two data sets at the same time. In that case, the value of rmag is used correctly for both spin up and down neutrons.

Therefore, if you do not want the magnetic SLD considered in your parratt calculation, do not include it in the layer. On the other hand, if you want to fit only one data set of polarized neutron data, you might include it. It will be used in the spin up case only, which is $\rho_{\mathrm{nuclear}}+\rho_{\mathrm{magnetic}}$. Obviously, to use rmag in the spin down case, make the value negative.

In order to hold a parameter fixed in the fit, set the fix attribute to 1, otherwise set to 0. This is ignored if not fitting. The fix attribute is optional, and the default is to hold the parameter fixed.

To make the layered strucutre easier to read in XML format, the bulk and substrate layers have their own tags, but follow the same parameters as any layer.

The layer that the neutrons go through first should be listed first, whether it's <substrate> or <bulk>. Remember to use the text "n/a" in place of numbers for <sigz> in the first layer, and for <thik> in the first and last layers, since these quantities don't have meaning in these layers.

Repeating groups of layers can be represented by enclosing the layers in a repeat tag.

    <repeat num="3">
In the above case, two distinct layers are repeated three times.

To simulate incomplete coverage of the substrate by the film, a coverage paramter can be set.

    <coverg fix="1"> 1.000</coverg>
This tag is optional, and the default value assumes complete coverage.

Lastly in the model section is the optional background and instrumental resolution.

    <backgd fix="1"> 0.000</backgd>
    <resoln type="dq"> 0.000</resoln>
The background has units of $10^{-6} \AA^2$. The instrumental resolution requires the choice of whether $\delta q$ or $\delta q/q$ is constant by specifying the type as dq or dq/q. See calcReflectivity() for more information. Without these tags, the default values assume no background or resolution smearing.


Included here is a complete XML file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE parratt SYSTEM "parratt.dtd">
<parratt type="parratt" do_fit="no">
    <q_min> 0.000</q_min>
    <q_max> 0.080</q_max>
      <name>solvent bulk</name>
      <thik fix="1">n/a</thik>
      <sigz fix="1">n/a</sigz>
      <rsld fix="1"> 0.000</rsld>
      <thik fix="0">460.00</thik>
      <sigz fix="0"> 18.51</sigz>
      <rsld fix="0"> 2.348</rsld>
      <thik fix="1">18.000</thik>
      <sigz fix="1"> 8.000</sigz>
      <rsld fix="1"> 3.475</rsld>
      <isld fix="1"> 1.049E-5</isld>
      <thik fix="1">n/a</thik>
      <sigz fix="1"> 4.000</sigz>
      <rsld fix="1"> 2.073</rsld>
      <isld fix="1"> 2.376E-5</isld>
    <coverg fix="1"> 1.000</coverg>
    <backgd fix="1"> 0.000</backgd>
    <resoln type="array-dq/q">resolution.txt</resoln>


The DTD describing the XML file may not be entirely correct, it was my first attempt at writing one.

<!ELEMENT parratt  (output?,fit?,model)>
  <!ATTLIST parratt type   CDATA "parratt">
  <!ATTLIST parratt do_fit CDATA "no">
  <!-- output section  -->
  <!ELEMENT output  (reflectivity?,profile?,q_min?,q_max?,num_q?,num_z?)>
    <!ELEMENT reflectivity (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT profile      (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT q_min        (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT q_max        (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT num_q        (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT num_z        (#PCDATA)>
  <!-- fit section  -->
  <!ELEMENT fit      (data?,data_up?,data_down?,weight?,(type|algo)*)>
    <!ELEMENT data_up      (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT data_down    (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT data         (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT weight       (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT type         (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT algo         (#PCDATA)>
  <!-- model section  -->
  <!ELEMENT model  ((bulk|substrate),(repeat|layer)*,(bulk|substrate),coverg?,backgd?,resoln?)>
    <!ELEMENT bulk      (name,thik?,sigz?,rsld,isld?,rmag?,imag?)>
    <!ELEMENT layer     (name,thik,sigz,rsld,isld?,rmag?,imag?)>
    <!ELEMENT repeat    (layer+)>
      <!ATTLIST repeat num CDATA "1">
    <!ELEMENT substrate (name,thik?,sigz?,rsld,isld?,rmag?,imag?)>
      <!ELEMENT name  (#PCDATA)>
      <!ELEMENT thik  (#PCDATA)>
        <!ATTLIST thik   fix  CDATA "1">
      <!ELEMENT sigz  (#PCDATA)>
        <!ATTLIST sigz   fix  CDATA "1">
      <!ELEMENT rsld  (#PCDATA)>
        <!ATTLIST rsld   fix  CDATA "1">
      <!ELEMENT isld  (#PCDATA)>
        <!ATTLIST isld   fix  CDATA "1">
      <!ELEMENT rmag  (#PCDATA)>
        <!ATTLIST rmag   fix  CDATA "1">
      <!ELEMENT imag  (#PCDATA)>
        <!ATTLIST imag   fix  CDATA "1">
    <!ELEMENT coverg    (#PCDATA)>
        <!ATTLIST coverg fix  CDATA "1">
    <!ELEMENT backgd    (#PCDATA)>
        <!ATTLIST backgd fix  CDATA "1">
    <!ELEMENT resoln    (#PCDATA)>
        <!ATTLIST resoln type CDATA "dq/q">

Generated on Wed Mar 14 13:24:56 2007 for Parratt by  doxygen 1.4.7