PHYS 5P96 - Major Research Project in Materials Physics I
Instructor: M. Reedyk

What Brock calendar entry says:

  • Comprehensive experimental, theoretical or computational research project in Materials Physics completed under the supervision of a faculty advisor. Literature review, project proposal and initial work.

    Restriction: Open to MSMP students who have completed all of the course requirements for the course-based MSMP Program option with permission of the Physics Graduate Program Director.

Course Goals

  • The aim of PHYS 5P96 is to give the student experience in conducting an independent piece of research in Materials Physics. The work must be of high quality and must show considerable scientific maturity.


  • PHYS 5P96 lasts for one full term and constitutes the first half of the Major Research Project (MRP) in Materials Physics. The complete MRP consists of PHYS 5P96 and PHYS 5P97.

Introductory Seminar 15% TBA (approximately one month after beginning project)
Research Progress Seminar 20% TBA (during final two weeks of PHYS 5P96 course duration)
Literature Review Chapter 20% TBA (due approximately at the midpoint of the course duration)
Contribution abstract 10% TBA
Quality of Research Work 25% Evaluated by Supervisor
Seminars and Research Events 10%

No late work will be accepted.