[D.A. Crandles]

David A. Crandles

Professor, PhD (McMaster), MSc (Ottawa), BSc (Western)
Office: MC B202
Phone: (905) 688-5550 Ext. 3539
E-mail: dcrandles@brocku.ca

Research Interests

Investigation of the structural, optical, transport and magnetic properties of materials. Recent interests include high entropy oxides, collosal dielectric materials and dilute magnetic semiconductors.

Teaching Assignments (2024-2025)


  • PHYS 1P91/1P21 - Mechanics and Waves (w or w/o Lab)

Fall - Winter

  • PHYS 3P35 - Electromagnetism I (fall term)
  • PHYS 1P90 - Foundations of Physics with Laboratory (winter term)
  • PHYS 2P51 - Classical and Modern Optics (winter term)

Recent Publications