Weekly homework
Please, note that while some of the chapter-end problems will be assigned explicitly,
the students are encouraged and expected to review and attempt the majority of the chapter-end problems in the book
for the readings assigned on a weekly basis.
All Textbook references are to
An Introduction to Mechanics, second edition, by Daniel Kleppner and Robert Kolenkow.
Cambridge University Press, 2013.
Before coming to class: review your Year 1 notes
Week 1. Vectors. Components of motion. Polar coordinates.
Week 2. Integration of kinematic equations.
Week 3. Newton's Laws.
Week 4. Momentum, work, energy
- K&K2, Ch.3.7
- K&K2, Ch.4.1;4.6.
- K&K2, Ch.5.1-5.3.1; 5.6-5.7; 6.1-6.3.
Week 5. A simple harmonic oscillator
Week 6. Reading week
Week 7. Work, energy and momentum in 3D
Week 8. Conservation of momentum. Collisions.
Week 9. Angular momentum.
Week 10. Angular momentum, cont'd. Rigid body motion.
Week 11. Non-intertial systems. Fictitious forces.
Week 12. Review problems.