Course offerings and teaching assignments for the current academic year

This is the summary of the current teaching assignments in the Department of Physics. We make every effort to keep this convenient summary accurate and up-to-date, but we may have missed some errors. For the definitive information, please check the official Timetable.

Fall 2023-24
Course Instructor
ASTR 1P01 S1(lecture) B.Shoshany
ASTR 1P01 S2(online) B.Shoshany
PHYS 1P21/91 G.Hester/R.Ganesh
PHYS 2P02 T.Harroun
PHYS 2P20 E.Sternin
PHYS 2P50 M.Reedyk
PHYS 3P35 D.Crandles
PHYS 3P41 M.Reedyk
PHYS 3P70 K.Samokhin
PHYS 3P90 G.Hester
PHYS 3P91 J.Kaur
PHYS 4F90/91 Faculty
PHYS 4P10 E.Sternin
PHYS 4P51 B.Shoshany
PHYS 4P70 D.Crandles
PHYS 4P94 S.Anco
PHYS 5F90 Faculty
PHYS 5N01 M.Reedyk
PHYS 5P10 E.Sternin
PHYS 5P11 M.Reedyk
PHYS 5P12 D.Crandles
PHYS 5P30 K.Samokhin
PHYS 5P50 R.Ganesh
PHYS 5P65 S.Anco
PHYS 5P66 A.Odesskii
PHYS 5P80 J.Kaur
PHYS 5P82 F.Razavi
PHYS 5P91 M.Reedyk
PHYS 7F90 Faculty
PHYS 7P91 M.Reedyk
Winter 2023-24
January - April
Course Instructor
ASTR 1P02 B.Shoshany
ASTR 1P02 S2(online) B.Shoshany
PHYS 1P21/91 D.Crandles
PHYS 1P22/92 J.Kaur
PHYS 1P94 G.Hester
PHYS 2P30 E.Sternin
PHYS 2P51 D.Crandles
PHYS 3P02 T.Harroun
PHYS 3P36 K.Samokhin
PHYS 3P91 E.Sternin
PHYS 3P94 B.Shoshany
PHYS 3P95 A.Odesskii
PHYS 4F90/91 Faculty
PHYS 4P41 R.Ganesh
PHYS 4P71 R.Ganesh
PHYS 5F90 Faculty
PHYS 5P41 K.Samokhin
PHYS 5P64 A.Odesskii
PHYS 5P67 J.Gao
PHYS 5P70 R.Ganesh
PHYS 5P79 F.Razavi
PHYS 5P80 E.Sternin
PHYS 5P82 F.Razavi
PHYS 5P83 S.Monfared
PHYS 5P91 M.Reedyk
PHYS 7F90 Faculty
PHYS 7P91 M.Reedyk
Spring 2024-25
May - July
Course Instructor
ASTR 1P01 S1(online) B.Shoshany Dur.2
PHYS 1P21/91 D.Crandles Dur.1
PHYS 1P22/92 TBD Dur.1
ASTR 1P02 S1(online) B.Shoshany Dur.3
PHYS 5P81 S.Monfared
PHYS 5P92 I.Komljenovic-Metcalf